Free Poultry Book Announcement


Dear friends,

My beloved father Ioannis M. Mavridis a graduate of Veterinary Faculty of Bologna University in Italy and practicing veterinarian from 1958 till 1996 passed this May at the age of 91 years.

He was my first real teacher in life.

In my new e-book I deal with the of a coop for 50 layers and the poultry equipment you need to operate it.

Practically every part of it including necessary poultry appliances can be made by yourself if you decide to practice your practical building, woodworking and mechanical skills.

The particular coop design I present in this e-book is a part of my family history. This was actually “our” family hen coop. It is connected to wonderful childhood memories for me and allowed me to have the first close connection with poultry.

Our new e-book ( in pdf form) will be provided absolutely free of charge from to anyone interested regardless of race, color, ethnicity and religion.

Starting Date for free downloads will be around 15th of September 2016 from our website

I consider this e-book a memorial and a tribute at the same time to my father the Veterinarian and the family man who combined his scientific knowledge and hard work for this project in order to achieve self-sufficiency and premium quality in the poultry products he needed for his family.

It is also a tribute to all family men and women who are deeply concerned about the quality and biosecurity of the poultry products that they and their children consume and they are determined to “do it “by themselves.

I consider it to be a model chicken house for the Backyard Poultry owner & family man or woman that wants to raise & keep chicken in a good environment and add a little extra income to the family budget.

So stay tuned…

Michael J. Mavridis D.V.M
CEO / Founder of Mavridis Zootechniki Ltd.


4 thoughts on “Free Poultry Book Announcement”

    1. Thank you for your question Mr. Collins.
      The book will be available to anyone interested anywhere in the world (including New Zealand) absolutely free of charge regardless of race, color, ethnicity and religion.


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